
📅 Monthly assembly - Weekly scrum - Daily chat

Monthly assembly are the way we report the work done during the current month and eventual issues and proposal. Also, its the occasion to have an alignment with our user base, shaping together the roadmap. Weekly scrum are more devs - oriented. During our weekly scrum we update each other about the status of our current works and we align ourself on each other situation. Daily chat because we want to move forward faster and coordinate among different communities / ecosystem. Plus we usually like share ideas and discuss them.

🐶 Eat our own food

We use the tools we build. eg. Kanban reached the status of alpha and it is used inside OCE - FairCoop team to log the work did in on the app itself.. In this way we can test it and improve it and better understand what features could be prioritarian to develop, together with user base feedbacks and needs.

🌐 Open Participation & Transparency

We need to ensure open participation and transparency through all aspects of the project. Open participation means that all members have the right to access to all information needed to correctly inform themselves and partecipate in they way they can, This is intended to be a proactive action, not a passive privilege.

How to ensure open participation:

  • Define monthly processes through assembly

  • Crreate processes in OCE organization and allow each member to commit and log work

  • Create a Monthly report in which are reported:

    • Monthly processes defined

    • Hours spent by everyone

    • Commitments made by everyone

    • Processes closed

    • Processes unfinished

Last updated